You must have been extremely bored or out of options to have come into this little section of the site. But since you're here, take a gander below to find out some "info" about me. Also, the secret about the "Double" in "Double" J Anime is revealed below. Just continue reading.

Name: Johnny Wang

Nickname(s): ¤ý ¥ò »Ê , ¤j ÀY

Chinese Birthdate: 74.6.16

Astrological Symbol: Leo

Zodiac Symbol: (¤û) Cow

The following two links are to two anime sites which I admire

greatly and have adored for quite some time:

Cozy Paper

Tip Toe Room

The following two links are to two personal pages belonging

to two good friends of mine:

Merkk's Webby

Knsxshygrl's Webby

The following links are to various pages and pictures on Double J Anime that have not yet been directly linked from the site. One could say they are 'hidden':

Tare Panda Animations

Thoughts and Quotes

An Animated Poem

Miscellany Links:

Rat's Nest Studios

If you are wondering as to why this site is known as "Double" J Anime, here is why. This site was created by two people, those two being myself and Josh Kelley. Therefore the "Double" J. But as Josh has his own site to maintain, I've officially taken over this site after consulting with him. However, he shall forever remain noted on this page, and also in my mind. For without him, I would not have acquired the HTML and Photoshop skills as quickly as I have. Much thanks to him, and some info on him below, along w/ the address of his site.

Name: Josh Kelley

Nickname(s): Brown Sugar, Inky, The Josh Man, Josh, Joshy, Kelley, White Chocolate

English Birthdate: 1986.1.6

Astrological Symbol: Capricorn

Zodiac Symbol: Tiger

Favorite Site(s):

Josh's Site: